Translated: Monkeypox vaccination resources

Gov.UK have created translated resources on the smallpox vaccination used to protect people against the monkeypox virus.

This leaflet includes information on:

  • the vaccine used

  • side effects

  • who the vaccine is recommended for

Paper copies of this leaflet are available free to order or download in the following languages:

English, Albanian, Arabic, Bengali, Estonian, French, German, Hindi, Latvian, Lithuanian, Panjabi, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swahili, Tigrinya, Ukrainian, Urdu Xhosa and Yoruba.

An English large print version is available to order.

A braille version of this leaflet is available to order.

An audio version is available to download.

A BSL video version can be viewed below:

BSL version of leaflet ‘Protecting you from monkeypox - information on the smallpox (MVA) vaccine’