Leeds Long Covid Community Rehabilitation Service

Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust and the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust have developed the Leeds Long Covid Community Rehabilitation Service to help people in Leeds who are experiencing new, long lasting problems 12 weeks or more after a confirmed or suspected COVID-19 infection.

The nature of long-lasting problems may be very wide ranging, and could include:

  • fatigue

  • limited exercise tolerance

  • breathlessness

  • pains

  • anxiety

  • depression

  • brain fog/thinking problems

  • loss of appetite or weight

The multi-disciplinary team at the Leeds Long Covid Community Rehabilitation Service consists of physiotherapists, occupational therapists, dietitians and rehabilitation assistants, to provide rehabilitation for people in a clinic or home setting, using face to face and virtual consultations.

The team are supported by consultants from The Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust with specialities in rehabilitation medicine, cardiology, and respiratory medicine.

The service advises you contact your GP, Neighbourhood Team or Community Respiratory Team for a referral.

Medical professionals making a referral should follow the link to the online referral form.