Factors affecting vaccine delivery and uptake in adult migrants in UK primary care

BMJ Open have published a study in the National Library of Medicine, "We don't routinely check vaccination background in adults": a national qualitative study of barriers and facilitators to vaccine delivery and uptake in adult migrants through UK primary care.

It explores primary care professionals’ views around barriers and facilitators to catch-up vaccination in adult migrants to inform development of interventions to improve vaccine uptake and coverage.

Conclusions drawn from the results:

  • WHO's new Immunization Agenda 2030 calls for greater focus to be placed on delivering vaccination across the life course, targeting underimmunised groups for catch-up vaccination at any age, and UK primary care services therefore have a key role.

  • Vaccine uptake in adult migrants could be improved through implementing new financial incentives or inclusion of adult migrant vaccination targets in Quality Outcomes Framework, strengthening care pathways and training and working directly with local community-groups to improve understanding around the benefits of vaccination at all ages.