Covid-19 Transmission in Hotels and Managed Quarantine Facilities

A paper prepared by the Environmental Modelling Group (EMG), EMG Transmission Group, and SPI-B on transmission in Managed Quarantine Facilities (MQFs).

It analyses current evidence and understanding of the COVID-19 transmission risks associated with hotels and MQFs, to understand whether there are risk factors specific to hotels (e.g. ventilation systems, staff interaction, communal spaces, travel to and from the hotel, etc.) that should be considered in light of evaluating the risk of COVID-19 transmission.

The paper also sets out whether/where further guidance should be put in place to mitigate against the risk of COVID-19 transmission in these spaces.

Key findings:

  • Minimising virus ingress could be achieved via the full vaccination of workers, social policy considerations and minimising the number of people who enter the country carrying the virus.

  • Minimising transmission (isolation of cases) would require regular testing of guests and staff.

  • Minimising transmission (identifying transmission routes) include staff and guest communal areas, interactions, and more rarely - shared air and drains.

  • Effective management of exposure and transmission in hotels and MQFs requires the cooperation and understanding of all stakeholders, including guests and staff.