'Caring for vulnerable migrant women' - guide for midwives and maternity support workers

The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) has produced ‘Caring for vulnerable migrant women’ which is a pocket guide for midwives and maternity support workers.

The guide covers the following topics and combines vital information with case studies:

  • Duty of care by health staff

  • Particular needs of vulnerable migrant women

  • Priorities of initial assessment

  • Mental health

  • Financial support for migrant women and children

  • Violence, exploitation, choices and consent

  • FGM

  • Women who decline services

  • Women who may suddenly relocate or avoid accessing services

  • Scenarios and suggestions

  • Facts and fiction

  • Legal position

  • Links, resources and support organisations

RCM have outlined the need for the guide in an article which highlights the barriers pregnant migrant women face when accessing healthcare.

A related report by Maternity Action on migrant charging, entitled ‘Breach of Trust - A review of implementation of the NHS charging programme in maternity services in England’ calls for the immediate suspension of charging for NHS maternity care given the deterrent effect on women’s access to care.

Both the RCM guide and the Maternity Action report are available below: