Tools for workers

Translators Without Borders: COVID-19 community translation program

Translators Without Borders: COVID-19 community translation program

Translators without Borders has launched the COVID-19 Community Translation Program to provide community organizations responding to COVID-19 with open access to its translation platform and community of translators.

Translated: Translators Without Borders, glossary for Covid-19

Translated: Translators Without Borders,  glossary for Covid-19

Translators Without Borders have published a glossary for COVID-19 terms.

Translated: Guidance for parents of children using English as an additional language

Translated: Guidance for parents of children using English as an additional language

The Bell Foundation has created a short, easy to understand guide for parents of students who use English as an Additional Language.

National support services for domestic abuse

National support services for domestic abuse

National Domestic Abuse Helpline - guidance and support for potential victims those who are worried about friends and relatives. 24 hours free and confidential helpline on 0808 2000 247.

Women's Aid - dedicated page on Coronavirus and domestic abuse, including a live chat service.